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How to fetch YouTube Video Thumbnail from API? (PHP Code Included)

YouTube is growing like anything and we often needs to integrate the YouTube videos into the websites. Embed code is not a preferred choice so most of the times, we need to use the YouTube API in order to fetch the contents and display on the website. So here, we are presenting a way to fetch YouTube Video Thumbnails dynamically for your PHP based website.

YouTube basically creates a lots of different types of thumbs on its server to be used on different devices. You can access these thumbs by using the video_ID of the YouTube video and also you can display the images on the website using a variable $link which holds the id of the video and substituting it in the place for video_ID in the link.

Mostly, Each YouTube video has four generated images. They are predictably formatted as follows:

Low Quality Thumbnail:<YouTube_Video_ID_HERE>/sddefault.jpg

Medium Quality Thumbnail:<YouTube_Video_ID_HERE>/mqdefault.jpg

High Quality Thumbnail:<YouTube_Video_ID_HERE>/hqdefault.jpg

Maximum Quality Thumbnail:<YouTube_Video_ID_HERE>/maxresdefault.jpg

So this is the basic understanding of how it works. But how to achieve this through PHP?

You can use YouTube Data API to retrieve video thumbnails. API version 3 requires a key*. Obtain the key and create a videos: list request.

Example PHP Code

$data = file_get_contents("");
$json = json_decode($data);

Decode the output and you will able to use the YouTube Video Thumbnail easily whenever you want.

And here is the handy PHP function to fetch YouTube Video Thumbnail Images:

function downloadYouTubeThubnailImage($youTubeLink='',$thumbNamilQuality='',$fileNameWithExt='',$fileDownLoadPath='')
        $videoIdExploded = explode('?v=', $youTubeLink);   

        if ( sizeof($videoIdExploded) == 1) 
            $videoIdExploded = explode('&v=', $youTubeLink);

            $videoIdEnd = end($videoIdExploded);

            $removeOtherInVideoIdExploded = explode('&',$videoIdEnd);

            $youTubeVideoId = current($removeOtherInVideoIdExploded);
            $videoIdExploded = explode('?v=', $youTubeLink);

            $videoIdEnd = end($videoIdExploded);

            $removeOtherInVideoIdExploded = explode('&',$videoIdEnd);

            $youTubeVideoId = current($removeOtherInVideoIdExploded);

        switch ($thumbNamilQuality) 
            case 'LOW':
                    $imageUrl = ''.$youTubeVideoId.'/sddefault.jpg';

            case 'MEDIUM':
                    $imageUrl = ''.$youTubeVideoId.'/mqdefault.jpg';

            case 'HIGH':
                    $imageUrl = ''.$youTubeVideoId.'/hqdefault.jpg';

            case 'MAXIMUM':
                    $imageUrl = ''.$youTubeVideoId.'/maxresdefault.jpg';
                return  'Choose The Quality Between [ LOW (or) MEDIUM  (or) HIGH  (or)  MAXIMUM]';

        if( empty($fileNameWithExt) || is_null($fileNameWithExt)  || $fileNameWithExt === '') 
            $toArray = explode('/',$imageUrl);
            $fileNameWithExt = md5( time().mt_rand( 1,10 ) ).'.'.substr(strrchr(end($toArray),'.'),1);

          if (! is_dir($fileDownLoadPath)) 

            file_put_contents($fileDownLoadPath.$fileNameWithExt, file_get_contents($imageUrl));
            return $fileNameWithExt;   
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